Sunday, July 27, 2008

When Time Stands Still

Twenty years ago, I used to go to a friend's house and spend the night on occasion. She had a little sister, five years old at the time, and I loved to play with her too.

Fast forward twenty plus years, and that same friend came up to visit this weekend. She has a little girl nearly three years old. I haven't seen her in two years, when she was just a baby, so even though I'd seen lots of pictures and videos and knew what she looked like, it was such a strange feeling to actually see her in person.

Why? Because she is the spitting image of that little five-year-old sister.

I was instantly twelve years old again, and we were just two little girls spending the night with each other, with the little one there to play with.

Who says time marches on? For us, at least for this one weekend, time went backward.

1 comment:

Carolyn F said...

Isn't it amazing how life goes in a circle? Come read here,, if you get a moment!