Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thoughts on the Election...

Let me just say that I think I'm beginning to understand to a small degree how Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane felt when Roosevelt was elected...

And on that note, I wish to post one of my very favorite Rose Wilder Lane quotations. She wrote this to her agent, George Bye, in January 1937, regarding her experience at a movie theatre which showed a Roosevelt newsreel, describing the audience as inattentive and restless, yet clapping politely at its conclusion. Then, she reports, the words "MICKEY MOUSE" flashed on the screen and the audience burst out in "a roar of deafening applause."

"Oh why? I cried in my embittered soul, O why didn't the Republicans nominate Mickey Mouse?"

My dear Rose, I wholeheartedly agree...

Mickey for President!!!! :)


Maria said...

Yes!! He'd get my vote!

... that is, if I were eligible to vote.

One of my friends nominated Jane Austen for president.

Prairie Rose said...

If Mickey Mouse is eligible to run for president, I'd say you're eligible to vote, despite your nationality... ;)